see Peg's calendar click here.
Peg will customize a keynote presentation for your organization
or you may choose one of the topics below. She also
provides workshops and seminars.
Creating the traditions, rituals, and celebrations that
help build strong families An inspirational and heartwarming
presentation that focuses on the attributes of a Christian
home. Audiences will discover how to create a home that
is not really a place, but a value system developed
inside a family that they take them with them wherever
they go. Using nostalgic stories combined with practical
ideas, audiences will be motivated to develop the traditions
and rituals that can make even ordinary days celebrations.
Applying these principles will help them build stronger
STILL LIFE, A Busy Woman's Guide to
Creating Quiet Spaces for Your Home & Heart
Women today are busier and more stressed than ever trying
to meet the demands of home, work, and the many other
calls on their life. They are so busy rushing through
life that they have no time to really delight in simple
pleasures or take time to cherish those who mean the
most to them-their families. This presentation will
speak to ways that women can renew their soul and carve
out quiet time with her family and friends, and it will
show them how to rest in the peaceful presence of God's
JOURNEY OF THE HEART, Hearing God Speak in the Everyday
As women, wives, and mothers, we are often so busy doing
things for our families and things for God that we often
find ourselves too stressed out and exhausted to really
listen to Him. Journaling is a way to slow down, meditate,
and hear God speak to us through the everyday moments
of daily living. It's a way of living life a second
time. As we write, we are able to reflect, understand,
and explore the plans God has for us and the meaning
and purpose of our lives. And in that silent place with
Him, we can learn to rejoice in both our struggles and
our blessings. This presentation will help audiences
learn how they can develop a journal habit and set out
on "A Journey of the Heart."
teaches and speaks for writer's conferences. Additionally
she teaches and provides on-line workshops and critiques.
IS YOUR LIFE, Writing Memoir so Someone Else Cares
How does a memoir or essay move from being a personal
story to offering a universal message? Learn how to
craft a memoir that will speak to the hearts of others.
Workshop will examine the work of writers who excel
at this genre and offer ideas for finding inspirational
story topics.
Most magazines have more potential writers than they
can use, so how does your idea get published? Even if
you are a beginner, you can learn to approach editors
like a pro. Practical advice will teach you to think
like an editor and develop ideas that sell. Discover
the dos and don'ts of successful writers and secrets
that make editors want to work with you again and again?
Resources to find markets for your work also presented.
LIFE DRAMA, Writing Human Interest Stories
One of the most compelling magazine stories is the true-life
drama. This type of story is in great demand and they
are an easier sell to a publication. Where do you find
these stories? What type of content makes a good human-interest
story? How do you craft it? What details are essential
to your story?
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