her husband Bill live in the family homestead, an 1848
Gothic cottage that was home to Bill's father and grandfather
before him. Ellen describes her home by saying, "Bill
has transformed the bean fields that once surround our
home, into a palette of color that begins with snowdrops
in the spring and ends with asters in October." Her
paintings reflect the warm memories she has of her past
with family, friends, and the wonderful busy days at
"Never Finished," which they call their home in Wabash,
Since 1985, Ellen has been creating her "Country Sampler
Calendars" for Lang
Graphics. These calendars, which are internationally
known, have given birth to other calendar series, plus
a line of products that include: stationery, candles,
figurines, boxes and most recently wallpaper and china
products, but the calendars remain the heart and soul
of Ellen's work. Through them, she says, "I have been
blessed with being able to share God's direction for
our lives and His promise of comfort and hope."
paintings reflect that part of her that she describes
as "gossamer wing"-the love of lace, flowers, and pretty
things. But at a deeper level, her watercolor samplers
are a special part of her deep faith that she loves
to share with friends and strangers alike. Incorporating
Biblical verses with her own unique painting style,
Ellen paints memorable stories about faith, love, prayer,
honesty and work.
credits her husband Bill as being her "creative partner,
my encouragement, my teacher, and my friend. He fills
my life with love and laughter." When Ellen married
Bill in 1968, she joined a Quaker family with a rich
270-year heritage in America that includes farmers,
artists, and clockmakers. Bill, an exceptional artist
in his own right, has a studio in downtown Wabash, Recently
they purchased Bill's mother's Victorian house and created
a studio for Ellen. "Along with the house," Ellen
says, "we inherited her cat who thinks that a drawing
board is a bed, at least if you are trying to work."
Delighting in her cats and the many "critters" that
share the Stouffer's gardens and grounds, these inspire
and, occasionally sneak into her paintings. "Haven't
you noticed all those kitties peeking around corners,
smugly playing in bastes of yarn, or curled among those
many toys . . . they really do exist in the personas
of Boo, Otto, and Sweet Shop and a myriad of other feline
characters who call my studio home."
paintings and her new book, A Country Sampler of Simple
Blessings, continue to delight her many fans. Yet Ellen
takes no credit for the popularity of her work. She
gives all credit to God quoting His word and saying,
"by His mighty power at work within us He is able to
do far more than we would dare ask or dream-infinitely
beyond our highest prayers, desires, or thoughts.